Junior League of Mobile Announces Adopt-A-School Program

Students in class at George Hall Elementary.

Mobile, Ala. – The Junior League of Mobile is proud to announce the first partner of the inaugural “Adopt-A-School” project site, a targeted effort to address hunger, nutrition, and fitness for school-aged children in the Mobile area.

George Hall Elementary School, located at 1108 Antwerp Street, in the Leinkauf District will be the first partner of the pilot Adopt-A-School program.

“In the inaugural year of the program we hope to make a lasting impact and help to improve the school experience for all students,” said Lucy Pryor Slaton, current Junior League of Mobile President. “There were many wonderful schools that applied for our new program, and the decision was difficult, but in the end we felt that George Hall was best suited for Adopt-A-School.”

The partnership will provide students of George Hall Elementary with assistance in the form of food items for snack pantries, as well as other basic necessity items such as clothing, hygiene supplies, and school supplies. The Junior League will also offer volunteer support for enrichment programs and special activities.

Students with George Hall Elementary teacher, Mrs. Tiffany Miller

This new partnership comes as a result of the desire to target an impact that is poised for growth within the greater Mobile community.

“We hope in the years to come to continue to grow the program and provide assistance to additional schools,” said Slaton.

Junior League volunteers pack backpacks every weekend during the school year to provide at-risk children with meals over the weekend. The partnership has expanded to include other areas of need, including a uniform closet and supplemental hygiene supplies.

To learn more about the Junior League of Mobile, visit www.juniorleaguemobile.org.


Junior League of Mobile (JLM), founded in 1925, is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The organization’s economic impact is about $1 million annually, combined in funds invested in the community and the value of its volunteer hours as calculated using Points of Light Foundation metrics.